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Tales of the Zodiac

A Poetic Journey Through the Cosmos


Venture into a heart-opening journey through the twelve astrological signs with Tales of the Zodiac, where poetry meets personality to shine a light on the voices of our archetypes.


In this collection of inspired essays, Malika Semper invites seekers to sit with the spirit of each zodiac sign, sharing their truth, wisdom, and inner struggles. From the initiating power of Aries to intuitive Pisces, each tale asks you to connect with your own inner terrain.


Malika invites you into a rich mosaic of astrology that transcends traditional horoscopes, offering intimate letters from each sign that reveal what's truly on their minds.

Whether you’re an astrology aficionado or astro-curious, Tales of the Zodiac is a poetic exploration of the love that connects us all.


Oregon, USA

"I understand everyone whose signs I know better because of these tales. I loved these tales. I want everyone I know to get this book and read it for themselves so they can understand themselves and others better too."


Colorado, USA

"Admittedly, I've sometimes wished I didn't have Cancer Sun and Ascendant. My deep feelings are sometimes unbearable, in a way that I can't explain or share with many people in my current circle. But your story of Cancer made me feel seen, appreciated for my gifts, and powerful in the feelings I carry."


Oregon, USA

"I found I had a lot more empathy for signs that I usually do not jive with or not understand... the tales blew my preconceived notions out of the water, and I love anything that opens my mind and challenges my own stereotypes. ALL OF MY FRIENDS WILL HAVE COPIES OF THIS BOOK."


SK, Canada

"I felt like a child asking for another bedtime story with my big, bright eyes open and my oh-so-curious mind.  You made me feel seen in the most incredible supportive way, showing me to love and embrace these parts of me."


Hawaii, USA

"Each tale was a key that unlocked the cheat codes for each sign and I will always see each one with a lot more admiration now!"

About the Author


Malika Semper is a Certified Astrologer and Intuitive Counselor. She has been professionally practicing astrology since 2016. Her love for the cosmos started in her teen years, and she has been studying and using it in her life ever since.

As a writer and teacher, her most popular course is the Synastry Series, where she teaches relationship astrology — how one person can affect another — which she has taught to hundreds of students over the years.

She lives in beautiful Oregon. When her head is not in the stars, she finds her peace in nature — hiking deeply into the forests surrounding her or swimming in the rivers and lakes to find refuge from the hot summers.

Tales of the Zodiac is her debut book.


Learn more about Malika and her signature classes at

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Malika Semper book
Tales of the Zodiac Gemini

Releasing Summer 2025!

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